In October 2015, the NC State Board of Education approved policy SHLT-001, titled Return-to-Learn After Concussion. This education policy includes guidelines for safe and appropriate return to the educational environment for ALL students post-concussion. Although this policy includes student athletes protected under the Gfellar-Waller Concussion Awareness Act, it is further reaching. Return-to-Learn After Concussion includes requirements for safe return to school for any student in NC public schools who sustains a mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI), more commonly referred to as a concussion.
This policy is linked to the State Board of Education Strategic Plan under Goal 5 (Every student is healthy, safe, and responsible), Objective 2 (Promote healthy and active lifestyles for students).
The requirements of Return-to-Learn After Concussion became effective at the onset of the 2016-2017 academic year. At this time, all NC public schools are to implement these requirements.

- Annual Information for All School Employees
- Team of Professionals Training
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Additional Concussion Resources

- Gfeller-Waller Concussion Awareness Act
- NC High School Athletic Association Concussion Awareness
- Returning to School After a Concussion: A Fact Sheet for School Professionals (pdf, 1.21mb)
- American Academy of Pediatrics: Returning to Learning Following a Concussion
- Brain Injury Association of North Carolina
- NC Department of Health and Human Services – Traumatic Brain Injury