Psychological Services

The consultant for psychological services contracted through UNC-CH School of Medicine (Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities) provides direct assistance to the Office of Exceptional Children within the NC Department of Public Instruction on behalf of students with disabilities.

CONTACT: Lynn K. Makor, Consultant
Assistance provided by the psychological services consultant aligns with the following IDEA description of psychological services:
Psychological services include–
(i) Administering psychological assessments, educational assessments, and other assessment procedures such as observations and interviews, in order to determine a student’s strengths and educational, social, emotional, behavioral, or developmental needs. For preschool children, psychological evaluation may include administering psychological assessments, and curriculum-based and other educational assessments, as well as conducting assessment procedures such as observations, interviews, structured interactions, and play assessments as deemed appropriate by the school psychologist or contracting psychologist;
(ii) Interpreting assessment results;
(iii)Obtaining, integrating, and interpreting information about a child’s behavior and environmental conditions relating to learning and development;
(iv) Consulting with parents, teachers, and other school personnel in planning school programs and services to meet the identified needs of children, including but not limited to, placement, effective learning/teaching strategies, and personal and social skills;
(v) Planning and managing a program of psychological services, including psychological counseling for children and parents;
(vi) Referring children and families to community agencies and services when appropriate;
(vii) Screening and early identification of children with disabilities;
(viii) Developing strategies for the prevention of learning and behavior problems; and
(ix) Assisting in developing positive behavioral strategies.
Traumatic Brain Injury

Additionally, the NC DPI Consultant for Psychological Services is responsible for the coordination and management of the training required by NC Policy in the evaluation and identification of Traumatic Brain Injury, including:
- Ongoing development of TBI training and services
- IDEA evaluation and identification procedures
- Maintenance of the TBI Registry of Approved Providers
- Communication with and support of TBI Approved Providers
- Assistance to LEAs in need of securing TBI Approved Providers